Fayette/Madison County PERI holds meeting


Eighteen members met at the Commission on Aging for the bi-monthly meeting of the Fayette/Madison County Public Employee Retirees Inc. Nov. 30.

President Sylvia Hildreth called the meeting to order and asked everyone to stand and say the Pledge of Allegiance. She introduced Ohio Public Employee Retiree Educators, Karen Cacciatore and Brenda Hall. The presentation concerned the things you should know if you are an OPERS employee.

After president Sylvia Hildreth thanked the ladies for their presentation, she called the meeting to order for the business meeting. Jeanne Immell gave the secretary’s report. Sylvia made a correction to the report. The report was accepted. Treasurer Connie Watson gave the treasurer’s report. The report was accepted as given.

Jim Essman made the legislative report.

Sylvia reminded everyone in her report that Open Enrollment for Medical and Drug Coverage ends Dec. 7. If you have not reviewed the drug plans by now it is necessary to do it.

Sharon Irons made the nominating committee’s report. Sylvia Hildreth has agreed to be president and Jeanne Immell has agreed to be secretary for the next two years. The group voted to approve their election.

The president asked for a volunteer to audit the books. Marilee Peterson accepted.

Sylvia Hildreth asked for a volunteer to get programs for the meeting. Many suggestions were made for programs, but there was not a volunteer to do it all year.

Dues will be due in January.

Meeting dates for 2017 will be: Jan. 25 , March 22, May 24 ,July 26 , Sept. 27 and Nov. 29.

The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be Jan. 25, 2017 at the COA at 12:30 p.m.

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