Getting Ahead: The Difference in People


While traveling around the country, I have encountered all types of people. Some are financially able to wear the finest clothes made and some are wearing soiled and worn out clothing. I find some that are timid while others are space invaders that spit on you when they talk.

There are some who wear nice smelling cologne or perfume, and some who do not wear deodorant. I meet people of every shape, size, age and background. It is a fact that some are easier to be with than others.

What is it that makes people different? Are all men created equal? Is there any possibility that the space invaders and those who need deodorant are the same as the one who is in designer clothes wearing great smelling cologne? In time would I find the well-dressed person more enjoyable than the space invader, or would it be the other way around?

These and other life questions will be addressed Sunday morning as “The Gathering Place Family” meets in the Washington High School Gymnasium at 10 a.m. for our Pre-Service Connection where we enjoy coffee, juice and donuts. Our Worship Service and Children’s Church then begins at 10:30. Come at 7 p.m. and be part of our Wednesday night Bible Study and Children’s Ministry on the third floor above Trends at 120 West Court Street.

Check us out on Facebook at: “The Gathering Place.”

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