In the service of others


For the 11th year, the First Presbyterian Church congregation will prepare a hot Thanksgiving meal on Thursday, Nov. 25 for Fayette County residents who are homebound.

The meal consisting of turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, cranberry salad and dessert will be delivered by church members and community friends before noon on Thanksgiving Day.

Residents who are enrolled in a home meal program will be receiving information about the Thanksgiving meal and an opportunity to schedule a delivery. Area churches have received a letter offering the meals to any shut-in of whom they may know.

This meal is part of the church’s ongoing food ministry programs to “uplift community residents, showing them the unconditional love of Jesus by sharing resources.” First Presbyterian is fortunate to have many community partners who help with a food ministry of sharing resources and distributing abundance, according to church leaders.

If you know of a homebound person who would like a meal on Thanksgiving Day, please call the church office at 740-335-2067 with the recipient’s name, address and a contact telephone number by this weekend.

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