Top Performers 4-H club serves the community


Shown in the back, left to right, are Altrusans: Alicia Denen, Lauran Perrill and Debra Grover. Shown in front are 4-H members Jillian, Addison, and Madelyn McClaskey with Ella McCarty.

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Top Performers 4-H Club has been busy serving their local community.

When these 4-H members heard families were asking the Fayette County Food Pantry for personal care items because food assistance programs did not provide for these items, their club held a drive to collect and donate personal care items. Their collection efforts brought in 38 shampoos/conditioners, 57 deodorants, 70 soaps, 17 body wash, 45 toothpaste tubes and 70 toothbrushes to be shared with neighbors by Food Pantry volunteers.

Top Performers 4-H also collected toys and games for the Altrusa Yard sale held each year. Funds raised go back to the community in the form of local scholarships and literacy programs.

4-H is a community of young people across America who are learning leadership, citizenship, and life skills as they work in partnership with caring adults. Top Performers are the perfect example of learning by doing.