Learn, play & win with FCPH at the fair


Fayette County Public Health (FCPH) will offer interactive education and information at this year’s Fayette County Fair.

Stop by the FCPH tent to sign up for a chance to win a daily prize (themed basket or bookbag) or the grand prize, a one-year membership generously donated by the YMCA. One free entry is allowed per day, but there will be opportunities to win additional entries, such as playing trivia games with the staff or completing a customer satisfaction survey.

Prize winners will be drawn at 7 p.m. daily. You do not need to be present to win.

Monday – Fitness & Fun Basket Raffle

1-3 p.m. – WIC card loads & program sign-ups. Fayette Fat Fighters info.

3-7 p.m. – Sign up for mammograms and learn more about FCPH programs.

Tuesday – Are You Ready? Basket Raffle

1-3 p.m. – WIC card loads & program sign-ups. Fayette Fat Fighters info.

3-7 p.m. – Play emergency preparedness trivia.

Wednesday – Fun in the Sun Basket Raffle

1-3 p.m. – WIC card loads & program sign-ups. Fayette Fat Fighters info.

3-7 p.m. – Play Plinko and learn about public health nursing.

Thursday – Outdoor Summer Fun & Safety Basket Raffle

1-3 p.m. – WIC card loads & program sign-ups. Fayette Fat Fighters info.

3-7 p.m. – Play games with a focus on environmental health.

Friday – All About Baby Backpack Raffle (three backpacks to be awarded)

3-7 p.m. – Make a craft with Help Me Grow & learn about services for expectant parents, infants, and toddlers!

The Fayette County Public Health tent and emergency trailer will be located in the usual spot, beside Pork Producers.

To stay updated throughout the week, visit the Fayette County Public Health Facebook page – facebook.com/faycohd.

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