Winners named at Junior Fair goat show on Thursday


Maya McCoy won the grand champion market goat prize at Thursday’s Fayette County Junior Fair market goat show. Pictured, left to right: Emily Reeves, Dane Wilt, Josie Wilt, Gus Wilt, Jordan McCoy, Maya McCoy, Mike McCoy, and judge Tracy Dendinger.

Alli Knecht won the reserve champion market goat prize at Thursday’s Fayette County Junior Fair market goat show. Pictured, left to right: Aiden Knecht, Kaden Bryant, Gus Wilt, Alli Knecht, Matt Knecht, Angie Knecht, and judge Tracy Dendinger.

Josie Wilt won champion percentage doe at Thursday’s Fayette County Junior Fair goat show. Pictured, left to right: Matt Wilt, judge Tracy Dendinger, Kelcy Smith, Josie Wilt, Camron Alexander, and Gus Wilt.

Elizabeth Webb (far right) won grand champion overall dairy wether at Thursday’s Fayette County Junior Fair dairy goat show. Webb is pictured with Mr. Webb and Fair Queen Emma See.

Havyn Hughes (third from left) won reserve champion overall dairy wether at Thursday’s Fayette County Junior Fair dairy goat show. Hughes is pictured with Mr. and Mrs. Hughes, and Hartly Hughes.

Andrew Pontious was named the overall meat goat champion showman at Thursday’s Fayette County Junior Fair goat show. He is pictured with Carole Pontious.

Andrew Pontious won grand champion full blood doe at Thursday’s Fayette County Junior Fair boer breeding show. He is pictured with Carole Pontious.

Dylan Ely (middle) won reserve champion full blood and reserve champion Fayette Co. Born & Raised at Thursday’s Fayette County Junior Fair goat show. He is pictured with Mr. and Mrs. Ely.

Andrew Pontious (middle) won grand champion Fayette County Born & Raised and fourth overall meat goat at Thursday’s Fayette County Junior Fair goat show. He is pictured with Victor Pontious and Carole Pontious.

Havyn Hughes (right) was named overall dairy goat showman at Thursday’s Fayette County Junior Fair dairy goat show. Hughes is pictured with judge Tracy Dendinger.

Lauren Thompson won champion dairy doe at Thursday’s Fayette County Junior Fair dairy goat show. Thompson is pictured with Chas Grover.

Hayden Bartruff (far right) won reserve champion dairy doe at Thursday’s Fayette County Junior Fair dairy goat show. Bartruff is pictured with Mr. Bartruff and Fair Queen Emma See.

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