MT volleyball defeats Greeneview


The Miami Trace High School varsity volleyball team hosted the team from Greeneview High School for a non-conference match Wednesday, Aug. 23.

Miami Trace won the match in four sets: 25-23, 20-25, 25-22 and 25-19.

The Panthers are now 2-0 on the season.

Kylie Yeazel served the game point in the first set for Miami Trace.

In the second set, Greeneview led twice by as many as seven points before leveling the match, 25-20.

After leading by two points early in the third set, Miami Trace fell behind Greeneview for the majority of the set.

However, Miami Trace finally tied the set, 20-20 and went on to win, 25-22. Lauren Farrens had the kill on the set point for the Panthers.

Miami Trace took a 7-2 lead in the fourth set, prompting a timeout from Greeneview.

The visitors took another timeout trailing 13-7.

That interrupted Miami Trace’s momentum somewhat, as the Rams reeled off three straight points.

A bit later, Greeneview pulled to within two points at 16-14.

Greeneview would draw no closer than two points before Miami Trace closed out the match with a 25-19 win.

“They’re a big team,” Miami Trace head coach Doug Mace said of Greeneview. “This year we’re a smaller group, so we try to use a little bit of speed to compensate for that.

“And, we’re young,” Mace said. “For the majority of the time out there, Sydney (Carter), our libero player, is a junior and the rest of the girls were freshman and sophomores.

“We’re going to have those growing pains,” Mace said. “We graduated seven seniors, so, we have a lot of inexperience, not much varsity experience out there.

“Cecilia (Robinson) and Lauren Farrens (both sophomores) are the two girls playing for us right now who played on the varsity for us last year,” Mace said.

“There’s going to be a learning curve,” Mace said. “The young players have to get adjusted to the varsity play. We have three freshman (Alison Carter, Lauren Guess and Kylie Yeazel) on the team who came from middle school last year and we’re throwing them in there and they’re learning to deal with that. They’re staying focused even when we have some rough patches.”

Statistically for Miami Trace, Cecilia Robinson had four ace serves, Kylie Yeazel had four, Lauren Guess had two and Sydney Carter had one.

In kills, Lauren Farrens led with 13, Ryleigh Vincent had 11, Alison Carter had eight, Robinson had six kills, Yeazel had four and Guess had three.

Miami Trace won the j-v match with Greeneview, 25-11, 25-11.

Miami Trace will play at Madison Plains Saturday at 10 a.m.

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