Grim talks ‘The War of 1812 in Ohio’ at Genealogical Society meeting


The Fayette County Genealogical Society met on Monday, July 17 with Robert “Bob” Grim presenting the program, “The War of 1812 in Ohio.”

Ohio was involved in the beginning of the War of 1812 and at the front lines. Fighting occurred in the northwestern section of the state and on the adjacent Lake Erie. The British were aided by Indian forces, including warriors headed by Chief Tecumseh. An important battle took place at Fort Meigs, which is present day Perrysville, April 28 through May 9, 1813. This battle ended in a victory for the United States. At the beginning of the war the British had taken control of Lake Erie.

On Sept. 10, 1813, a fleet of nine ship under the command of Master Commandant Oliver Hazard Perry engaged six British war ships under the command of Captain Robert Heriot. Perry’s flag ship, the Lawrence, had been heavily damaged and reduced to a defenseless wreck. Perry transferred to a sister ship the Niagara and sailed directly into British line of ships firing broadsides. This forced the British to surrender. These victories by the united States on the Ohio front forced the British to abandon their northwest siege and kept the British from attaining any of the Northwest territory. Bob shared several maps, ship replicas, and examples of medals awarded for these battles. Bob is a local historian and a retired Miami Trace High School history teacher.

For the Aug. 17 meeting of the Society, members and guests met at the Rusty Keg Restaurant for dinner and then took a tour of the newly-renovated Fayette County Museum. The museum with its new paint and wallpaper and redone displays is beautiful. You will learn of the history of Fayette County and the lives of the people who were the founders of our community along with the artifacts these early citizens have left for us. It was an enjoyable experience for all who attended.

The next meeting of the Society will be Monday, Sept. 18 in the downstairs meeting room in the Fayette County Economic Development Building 101 E. East St., Washington Court House, at 7 p.m. Parking is at the side of the building and entrance through the side door. This will be our annual Sharing Program when members and guests are asked to bring family artifacts or mementos, pictures, or stories of their ancestors or the history of Fayette County to share.

On Wednesday, Sept. 20, the Society will host a Research Workshop in the Genealogy Section of Carnegie Public Library in Washington Court House from 1 to 3 p.m. for Society members or community members interested in any of our Lineage Societies, which include First Families of Fayette County, Century Families, or Civil War Families or anyone wanting assistance with research skills.

For further more information concerning upcoming meetings and activities, membership, or research, contact president Sue Rodgers Gilmore at 614-864-9609 or [email protected], lineage chair Cathy Massie White at 740-333-7227 or [email protected], or research chair Peggy Lester at 740-495-5720 or [email protected].

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