Local accused of assaulting boyfriend and setting fire to his property


WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE — On Sunday, Sept. 10, 27 year-old Sara Johnson was arrested and charged for allegedly assaulting her boyfriend and lighting his belongings on fire.

According to the Washington Court House Police Department, officers were initially called on the evening of Sept. 9. The male victim reportedly informed police that his girlfriend, later identified as Johnson, had shown up “very agitated,” and when the victim approached her, Johnson allegedly assaulted him and ran away.

Officers then made a report on the incident and a summons was issued.

Later that night, the victim reportedly informed police that he had “received a Snapchat” from Johnson of her burning his clothes and shoes in the backyard of his Rose Avenue home.

When officers arrived at the Rose Avenue residence, police reportedly could still see a fire burning in the backyard of the victim’s home. Police searched for Johnson, but could not locate her at the crime scene, and a warrant was placed for her arrest.

Johnson was arrested on Sept. 10 and charged with arson and assault, both first-degree misdemeanors.

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