Cherry Hill, Blue Lion QB presentations made at WCHCS school board meeting


WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE — At Monday night’s monthly Washington Court House City Schools (WCHCS) Board of Education meeting, the school board and community members in attendance were treated to an update from Cherry Hill Primary School.

Covering topics such as the positive impact a new schedule and routine has had on students, successes in parent engagement, culture, as well as innovative ways they are addressing behavior and attendance, principals Craig Maddux and Megan Anderson led the building-level overview and discussion. They also presented on the progress of the implementation of “Core Knowledge of Language Arts,” the new K-5 ELA curriculum.

In addition to the principals, teachers Joy Story and Charity Eggleton gave board members an inside look at their classrooms, the Autism Unit and Robotics Lab, respectively.

Story’s classroom allows WCHCS students with autism to begin their adventure into learning in a tailored environment, focusing on their needs and strengths. In the Robotics Lab, Eggleton engages with all of the Li’l Lions as they learn to code and other foundational skills needed to succeed in Robotics Education throughout their time in WCHCS.

The board and community members also received a presentation from the Blue Lion QB Club. Presented by J.T. Bunch and Tim Wiseman, officers of the organization, attendees learned about the successes the club had over the past season, as well as big plans for the future.

“It was an exciting night to learn about the great things happening at Cherry Hill,” said Dr. Tom Bailey, superintendent, “as well as welcoming another organization to support our Blue Lions.”

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