‘Dangerous dogs’ remain at dog shelter


WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE — A settlement conference regarding citations made for pit bulls at-large in the city killing cats was held at Washington Municipal Court on Thursday. The defendant, Brandy Cobb, and the victim, Tim Leasure, met with the attorneys and Fayette County Dog Warden Nelson Prater to work out an agreement.

It was reported by the Record-Herald earlier this month that Cobb pleaded not guilty to having two pit bulls running loose in the city, and not being contained properly on her residential property at 129 E. Paint St.

In court on Thursday, it was stated that there have been multiple citations in the past, going back to 2019. No jail time was ever imposed, only fines on each citation. The current case is the 10th citation in four years.

The agreement that was proposed Thursday was that the dogs be muzzled at all times when they are outside the house, and Cobb and the two dogs attend retraining sessions to learn to control the animals. The dogs would then be returned to Cobb. If further citations were to be imposed in the next two years, jail time could be given to the defendant and the dogs removed from her care.

All parties appeared in the court after the conference and the proposed settlement was presented to Municipal Court Judge Victor Pontious. After hearing from the defendant and defense attorney, the judge rejected the plea agreement, stating that the dogs are dangerous and said the matter would be set for another hearing. It was learned that the dogs escaped the house by the front door, not out of the fenced yard, according to officials.

It has been ordered that the dogs remain at the Fayette County Dog Shelter under the control of the dog warden until further dispensation by the court.

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