Panthers win 60-58 battle at Hillsboro


HILLSBORO — Of the three games in the Frontier Athletic Conference Tuesday, Dec. 12, the game between Hillsboro and Miami Trace turned out by far to be the most competitive.

The Panthers haven’t played a home game yet (their debut in the friendly confines of MTHS takes place Friday), however, after a couple of non-conference losses to begin the season, Miami Trace is now 3-0 in the FAC after a hard-fought, close-to-the-vest 60-58 win over the Indians.

When Hillsboro junior Tate Davis hit a three-point basket at the buzzer, the Indians held a 14-10 lead at the end of the first quarter.

Hillsboro twice led Miami Trace by as many as eight points in the second quarter.

It was 32-26 in favor of the home team at the half.

Hillsboro seemed, if not in control, at least poised to take its lead into double-digit territory as the third quarter unfolded.

The Indians led by nine points (37-28) with just under six minutes to play in the third.

Sophomore Adam Guthrie scored for the Panthers and there followed a lull in the offense, as neither team scored for the next two minutes.

Miami Trace sophomore Grant Guess ended that interval at the 3:45 mark of the third quarter.

Brady Armstrong made a three with 2:23 to play and senior Coleden May scored following a Hillsboro turnover to pull the Panthers to within two points, 39-37

Armstrong, a senior, continually gave his team a much-needed boost, as he made 6 of 8 three-point field goals in the game. He made three in the second quarter, one in the third and two more in the fourth, for a zone-like 75 percent.

His 18 points paced a trio of Panthers in double figures.

Junior Skye Salyers made his contributions in a most timely manner, scoring back-to-back baskets for the Panthers to tie the game, 41-41 with 38 seconds to play in the penultimate period.

Hillsboro held a 43-41 lead going into the final eight minutes of tight action.

Armstrong stunned the Indians with back-to-back threes to open the fourth quarter, prompting a Hillsboro time out just one minute in, the Panthers in front, 47-43.

The Indians pulled to within one before sophomore Adam Guthrie scored with 5:25 remaining.

In spite of being in foul trouble, Guthrie scored 12 in the game and shared the team lead in rebounds with May and Guess, the trio each with five.

Senior Bryson Osborne, who finished with 14 points, three assists and three steals, scored next for Miami Trace, giving the Panthers a 51-46 lead.

After a time out, Osborne scored again, giving the Panthers their biggest lead of the game, 53-46 with 3:50 to play.

Hillsboro quickly made up most of that deficit with five points in row.

Guthrie got a critical offensive rebound and putback to help the Panthers maintain a four point lead.

Hillsboro freshman Jack Howland, who scored 12 on this night, made one of his two threes in the game as the Panthers clung to a 55-54 lead with just over two minutes remaining.

After an exchange of missed field goal attempts, Osborne scored to give Miami Trace a 57-54 lead with 1:04 to go.

Hillsboro turned the ball over, but the Panthers left the door ajar when they went down and missed a transition lay-up.

Hillsboro capitalized by scoring on a lay-up of their own. It was 57-56, Panthers with 38 seconds on the scoreboard.

The Indians had fouls to give and pushed their fourth quarter total to four, expending 12 seconds.

After the fourth foul (the new rule calls for a team to shoot a double bonus after the fifth foul of each quarter, as opposed to the former very long-standing rule of seven fouls in a half and a team shoots a one-and one).

However, Miami Trace turned the ball over and Hillsboro brought the ball up past halfcourt before calling for time with 20 seconds to play.

Hillsboro turned the ball back over on a player control foul, which did not send Miami Trace to the line.

The Panthers inbounded the ball and Hillsboro fouled again, now with only 12.7 seconds remaining and the precarious one-point MT lead.

Calm as can be, Osborne swished both free throws, setting the score at 59-56.

Miami Trace was under the five-foul limit and committed its third to disrupt the Indians’ offense.

Senior Steven Kibler then made a lay-up for Hillsboro and the Indians quickly called for a stoppage in play with 4.2 seconds remaining and a differential of one point.

Miami Trace inbounded the ball to Osborne and Hillsboro fouled, with 2.9 seconds remaining.

This time, Osborne made 1 of 2 free throws.

Hillsboro got a shot off from around the mid-court area, but it was short, leaving the Panthers with a 60-58 victory.

Indians’ senior Dorian Stewart gave an outstanding effort, leading Hillsboro with 19 points.

Davis scored 15 for Hillsboro and the senior, Kibler, scored nine.

Hillsboro made 19 two-point baskets out of 32 attempts for 59 percent.

Miami Trace countered with 17 of 38 shooting from inside the arc for 45 percent.

Both teams scored five points at the foul line, with the Panthers going 5 of 7 for 71 percent and Hillsboro making 5 of 8 for 63 percent.

Miami Trace won the battle of the offensive boards, 10-7.

The difference came down to shooting from the perimeter.

As mentioned, Armstrong was extremely proficient, going 6 of 8. Overall, Miami Trace made 7 of 14 threes for 50 percent.

Hillsboro made 5 of 14 threes for 36 percent.

It was just an old-fashioned, good old high school basketball game; the kind you don’t see every night.

“I thought we were a little rattled there late in the first quarter, a little disfunctional on offense,” Miami Trace head coach Ben Ackley said. “We had breakdowns on defense.

“Hillsboro’s guards can do multiple things,” Ackley said. “They can play with the ball, they can play off the ball. They’re smart.

“I thought their post player (Dorian Stewart) was huge tonight,” Ackley said. “He always plays well against us. He’s kind of undersized for a post player, but I saw him windmill dunk during warm-ups, I knew he was feeling good. He hurt us.

“Tate (Davis), he’s unbelievable,” Ackley said. “I’m not taking anything away from my guys, but, Tate’s as good as any player in this league. I thought Jackie (Jack Howland) was awesome, too. I’m glad we’re not coming in here in January.

“I probably watched eight hours of film on them,” Ackley said. “I think I could coach them. I know their sets and stuff. Their guards are really good and they are so well-coached.

“We won 18 games last year, but we didn’t win a game like this,” Ackley said. “This was a gritty win on the road. This league is tough.

“I’m just so proud and excited for our kids,” Ackley said. “I have nothing but respect for Hillsboro’s staff and everything they’re doing.”

“I’m sure this game was fun, from a fan’s perspective, but not for the coaches or our players,” Hillsboro head coach Josh Howland said. “The boys were down (in the locker room).

“We’re close,” Howland said. “We’re close. If you look at us (now) versus this time last year, it’s like an entirely different program. I think the boys do believe. They understand what it takes to win.

“I had us giving up 11 offensive boards,” Howland said. “Which, to me, that was probably the difference in the game. Espeically in the first half, but, even right in the last minute and a half, we gave up an offensive rebound that allowed them to go back up three. It’s the little things — it always is. But, we’ll get there.”

Miami Trace improves to 3-2 overall, 3-0 in the FAC. The Panthers host Jackson Friday.

Hillsboro (2-1 overall, 1-1 in the FAC) hosts Chillicothe Friday.

The Cavaliers (1-3, 1-2) earned their first win of the season Tuesday, 63-44 over McClain (1-3, 0-3).

The Washington Blue Lions improved to 3-0 overall, 2-0 in the FAC Tuesday with a 66-48 win at home over Jackson.

The Ironmen now have a record of 2-3 overall, 1-2 in the conference.


MT 10 16 15 19 — 60

H 14 17 11 15 — 58

MIAMI TRACE — Ben Mathews 0-0-0; Trey Robinette 0-0-0; Grant Guess 3-0-6; Coleden May 2-0-4; Brady Armstrong 0 (6)-0-18; Skye Salyers 2-0-4; Austin Boedeker 1-0-2; Adam Guthrie 5-2-12; Bryson Osborne 4 (1)-3-14. TOTALS — 17 (7)-5-60. Free throw shooting: 5 of 7 for 71 percent. Three-point field goals: Armstrong, 6; Osborne. Field goal shooting: 24 of 52 for 46 percent. Three-point field goal shooting: 7 of 14 for 50 percent. Rebounds: 24 (10 offensive). Turnovers: 12. Assists: 10. Steals: 10. Blocked shots 3. Fouls: 12.

HILLSBORO — Mason Dumpert 0-1-1; Tate Davis 2 (3)-2-15; Brayden Hunter 1-0-2; Steven Kibler 4-1-9; Nic Burns 0-0-0; Jack Howland 3 (2)-0-12; Dorian Stewart 9-1-19. TOTALS — 19 (5)-5-58. Free throw shooting: 5 of 8 for 63 percent. Three-point field goals: Davis, 3; Howland, 2. Field goal shooting: 24 of 46 for 52 percent. Three-point field goal shooting: 5 of 14 for 36 percent. Turnovers: 13. Offensive rebounds: 7.

Miami Trace wins freshman game against Hillsboro

In the freshman game Tuesday, Miami Trace improved to 3-1 overall, 2-0 in the FAC with a 50-40 victory over Hillsboro.

Anthony Huffer was the game’s leading scorer for Miami Trace with 19 points.

Dane Wilt scored 11 (hitting one three) and Evan Parsley connected on two threes and finished with 10 points.

Gage Henry and Joe Rheinscheld each had four points for the Panthers and Kenton Berry scored two.

For Hillsboro, Hunter Manson led with 18 points. He made four three-point field goals.

Tre Conley scored 12 (making two threes), Logan Barton scored seven (with one three) and Corey Schommer hit Hillsboro’s other three-point bucket.

Miami Trace wins j-v game at Hillsboro

Miami Trace won the j-v game at Hillsboro Tuesday, 51-44 over Hillsboro.

The Panthers improve to 5-0 overall, 3-0 in the FAC.

Conner Napier of Miami Trace was the game’s leading scorer with 18 points. He made two three-point shots.

Bryson Yeoman scored 10 points, Luke Armstrong scored eight (making two threes), Julian Baker added six points, Cade Whitaker scored five (he made one three), and Anthony Huffer and Mason Buchhammer both contributed two points.

Brady Juillerat led the Indians with 13 points.

Tre Conley and Walker Pence both scored 10 points. Conley made three of Hillsboro’s six three-point baskets.

Lucas Holland scored seven (with two threes), Brayden Scruggs made one three and finished with three points and Hunter Manson scored one.

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