Retired teachers gather for December meeting


Retired teachers of Fayette County gathered together in December for lunch at the Grace Methodist Church. They enjoyed some Christmas songs played by Jana Deeks on the piano, followed by the Fayette Community Chorale’s wonderful selection of seasonal songs directed by Dick Glass and accompanied on the piano by David Penwell.

This was followed by a great lunch prepared by the Methodist Women. Afterward a number of teachers participated in the annual “banana express,” where they took the healthy snack of bananas to share in their visit with friends at the nursing homes.

Last time the retired teachers met, they observed the passing away of some of their members, in a very caring presentation by Pat Parsons. Parsons spoke of each person and rang her school bell in their memory. The group remembered Nancy Davis, Bill Martin, Don Moore, and Jill Neuder.

At this December’s meeting the group welcomed new member Mary Jo Wall, and also raised funds for the Food 4 Kids Backpack Program.