Washington bowlers sweep McClain, boys break school record


On Thursday Jan, 4, the Washington High School boys and girls bowling teams faced off against the McClain Tigers at LeElla Lanes.

The Washington boys and girls teams swept McClain as the j-v boys and j-v girls won as well as both the varsity boys and varsity girls.

The j-v boys, led by senior Cain Sever, managed to pick up a big victory over McClain in a close match up. Sever shot a high series of 286 followed by Will White with a high game of 138 and T.J Ooten with a 136.

The varsity boys team broke the school record, as well as team high from last year shooting 2,853 pins. The boys varsity team consisted of Mason Mullins, Nick Walker, Mathew Clay, Jon Rader, and Luke Crabtree, and the substitutes consisted of Titus Grim and Nathan Reed.

Stand-out players of the night were Mason Mullins as his first game was a 230 and his second game was a 276 with a total of 506 series, and Jon Rader who shot a 236 and a 268 with a total series of 504. The team would go on to shoot three baker games. Game one, they shot a 215, the second game was a 188, and finally to finish off the night they shot a 233 baker game.

On the girls side, Kate Bailey had the high series with a 353 shooting a 173 her first game then a 180. Olivia Doyle shot the second highest series on the team with a 344 series.