Buckeye Land and Livestock 4-H club holds third meeting


On Feb. 25, Buckeye Land and Livestock held its third 4-H meeting. The meeting was called to order, Pledge Of Allegiance was said, followed by the 4H pledge.

Cloverbuds were then dismissed to their room. Next, the secretary, treasurer, health, safety, and environmental officers gave their reports. The environmental report was presented by Clint Wilt over why you shouldn’t dump chemicals on the ground. The health report was on water safety, given by Tess Dolphin. The safety report was on safety glasses, given by Tess Dolphin and Abby Lewis.

Demonstrations for this meeting were Paisley Thomson and Vivan Combs. Paisley gave a demonstration on how to get a rabbit ready for fair. Vivian gave a demonstration on how to handle a rabbit correctly.

Old Business


VERY IMPORTANT – Enrollment is fast approaching and must be enrolled by March 1 with any projects you are taking or possibly interested in taking.

Pay club dues as soon as possible.

Quality Assurance is March 4 and 5 and April 8 and 9 from 6-7:30 at the Mahan building

New Business

Have had lots of interest in moving our meetings to earlier in the afternoon on Sundays, decided to move meetings to 2 p.m.

Questions were answered from members or parents.

Demonstrations for next meeting – Grace Armontrout, AJ Armortrout, Megan Brandt, and Caitlyn Cottrill.

Members are to be thinking of some club shirt designs. Fundraising options were discussed and decided on.

Adjournment. Recreation, if any.

The next meeting will be Sunday, March 10 at 2 p.m.

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