Fayette Land and Livestock 4-H club installs officers


On Feb. 18, Fayette Land and Livestock 4-H club met at All Saints Church and had 39 members present. At our meeting we held the installation of officers.

We elected safety officer Jacoby Blair, community service officer Jaxon Blair, and news reporter Quinn Stitt. We also elected president Tommy Garrison, vice president Carley Payton, secretary Cotey Payton, and treasurer Will Vernon.

Our club officers will work to ensure our club has a successful 4-H year and each role and responsibility is of great importance. Also, our Cloverbuds had their first meeting. In their meeting they learned the basics about the club and then they closed up their meeting with a craft.

In all, we had a great meeting and look forward to a great year with our newly-elected officers.

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