ODNR’s Office of Law Enforcement now recruiting


COLUMBUS – The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Office of Law Enforcement is now accepting applications to fill about half a dozen Natural Resources Dispatchers 1 positions.

This role is key in providing up-to-date information to all State of Ohio Natural Resources Officers and Wildlife Officers, according to a news release. The positions are based in Franklin County and natural resources dispatchers will be expected to:

Operate a statewide computer aided dispatch (CAD) system and Multi-Agency Radio Communications System (MARCS) to advance communication to law enforcement and administrative staff

Serve as a point of contact for ODNR Law Enforcement and monitor Law Enforcement Automated Data System (LEADS) for information

Assist public and other agencies with requests for information, direct phone inquiries to proper ODNR division staff

Dispatch ODNR personnel

Those wishing to apply should visit careers.ohio.gov and select search for State Government Jobs. On the job search page in the keyword search, enter Natural Resources Dispatcher 1.

In 2024, join ODNR as it celebrates 75 years of protecting Ohio’s natural resources and providing outstanding and award-winning recreational opportunities.

ODNR ensures a balance between wise use and protection of our natural resources for the benefit of all. Visit the ODNR website at ohiodnr.gov.

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