Dr. Nestor talks leadership at Columbus ASIS International seminar


COLUMBUS — Dr. John Nestor, of Washington Court House, was a speaker at the 43rd Columbus ASIS International Annual Seminar. He kicked off the annual event at the Columbus Hollywood Casino on his leadership topic, “If Not You Then Who? If Not Now, When?”

Dr. Nestor transformed organizations in both the private and public sectors, according to a news release. He was selected to write the capstone chapter for the book, “On Leadership: An Interdisciplinary Approach (IAP),” currently on sale across the nation.

“Career accomplishments come disguised as problems and end up ignored. This causes organizations to flounder with disengagement. You have to have a burning desire to make a difference and the courage to act, a divine discontent my dad called it. It’s more than a gamble. It’s anticipating, planning, and getting into the data. Some would call it ‘overthinking.’ I call it being prepared,” Dr. Nestor said.

“Transformative leadership and common sense are sorely needed in underpeforming areas of US industry, government, education, and public safety. Lost sales, lost clients, lost students, burnt out staff are not mysteries. It requires more than cute slogans and non-productive activity. Turn around leadership has always required a true hearted, authentic, courageous ‘maverick,’ one who believes in their own vision and challenges the status quo (Mavericks Unlimited, Khair, 2016).”

“It requires having one foot in the present, and one in the future, always one step ahead,” Dr. Nestor added.

Joining Dr. Nestor on the Hollywood Casino ASIS platform was Angela An, anchor for WBNS 10TV, and creator of “Crime Tracker 10”; FBI Special Agent Matt DeBlauw, “Nation State Actors-Threats to the U.S;” and R.J. Hope, “Business Continuity & Travel Security.”

Founded in 1955, ASIS International is a global community of security practitioners, each of whom has a role in the protection of assets, people, property, and information.

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