WCH Police Dept. incidents


According to reports, the Washington C.H. Police Department responded to the following calls:

May 17

Aggravated Menacing: At 5:58 p.m., officers responded to 409 6th St. in regards to a menacing complaint. Upon arrival, an officer spoke with the victim, who showed the officer recordings of the defendant, identified as David E. Eckle II, 53, making threats to her. The victim decided to pursue charges.

Vandalism: Officers responded to 430 N. Fayette St. in reference to a vandalism complaint. Upon officers’ arrival, contact was made with the complainant/victim. A report for criminal damaging and criminal trespass has been filed through the police department.

May 13

Domestic Violence: At 6:52 a.m., officers responded to Forest Street in reference to a domestic violence incident. The offender was located a short time later, and was arrested and transported to jail.

Menacing: At 7:12 a.m., officers responded to Golfview Drive in reference to a disturbance/threats that were being made. Officers arrested a male and transported him to jail.

Breaking and Entering/Theft: At 12:36 p.m., officers responded to the Gregg Street Worship Center on a burglary report. Officers discovered that entry into the church was made by an unknown person, and items were removed from the church.

Theft: At 12:55 p.m., a Jenni Lane resident reported that items have come up missing from her residence.

May 12

Disorderly Conduct: At 6:54 a.m., officers responded to Golfview Drive in reference to a disturbance. A Golfview resident was arrested and transported to jail in the incident.

Disorderly Conduct: At 11:39 a.m., officers responded back to Golfview Drive in reference to another disturbance. The same male was again arrested and transported back to jail in the incident.

Violation of Protection Order: At 7:22 p.m., a Yeoman Street female was arrested after violating a protection order.

May 5

Theft: At 11:35 a.m., a South Fayette Street resident reported the theft of a planter and flowers from the front of her residence.

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