Get your house in order — fortify


Without order there is chaos. Chaos is followed by destruction. Destroyed lives, destroyed families, destroyed relationships, and destroyed churches. It is time we get our houses in order by becoming “fortified.” (to strengthen and secure)

The bible teaches us what leads to chaos and destruction and how to fortify our house!

If we do not understand what makes us weak and vulnerable, then we will never become strong and secure.

We will strive to gain understanding at our Logos meeting this month. If the Holy Spirit reveals truth to you in this meeting as to how to fortify, then for your sake and the sake of your family make every effort to be there.

Every month I look forward to being in a room full of women who are searching for truth, who are unified, and who are free to worship. I want each of you to experience this as well.

Remember to invite your family, friends, and coworkers. I would like for all of you to make a special effort to bring your pre-teen and teenage daughters and granddaughters. Everyone is welcome!

The meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 4 at 7 p.m. at 240 Courthouse Parkway, Washington C.H.

As always, at 6 p.m. we will have a free meal, cookies, and coffee, and our worship service at 7 p.m.

Child care is provided. For more information, call 740-335-9641.

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