New Holland Lions Club installs officers


The New Holland Lions Club met recently at the Methodist Church to install officers for the coming year. Officers installed by Ohio Lions District 13 OH 6 cabinet secretary/treasurer, Lion Jay Carey were Lions: Marty Mace, president; Michael Provost, first vice president; Howard Morris, second vice president; Paul Edgington, secretary; Kenneth Barton, treasurer; Zachary Fisk, lion tamer; Amy Riehle, tail twister; Donald Davis, membership chairman; Jonathan Reed and Chad Strausbaugh, two year directors; and Carol Bliss and Paul Meadows, one year directors.

The program for the evening was presented by Kathy Brown, who is in charge of the Summer Meal Program at the Methodist Church. They provide food five days a week and have snacks and personal hygiene items, and provide book bags and school supplies for the children in the fall. The first week of June they served 17 families with over 50 children.

Following the program, the New Holland Lions voted to donate $200 to the New Holland Lunch Program and $100 to the Pickaway County Food Pantry.

The evening was enjoyed by 14 members and the club invites others to join by texting Don Davis, 740-495-5111, Marty Mace, 740-601-3762 or Paul Edgington, 740-606-3786.

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