Second Chance to hold fundraising dinner Thursday


WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE — A fundraising dinner is being held at the Second Chance Center of Hope location at 420 W. Oakland Ave. on Thursday, June 20.

Business owners and managers in Fayette County, city and county officials, and others were invited to tour the Second Chance location and hear director Chiquita Nash talk about their funding needs.

Some of those invited were Doug Marine, Jim Blair to represent the Washington City Council, Fayette County Prosecutor Jess Weade, Hills Pet Food manager Nick Pierce, Washington Court House City Manager Joe Denen, Fayette County Commissioner Jim Garland, Fayette County Sheriff Vernon Stanforth, McKesson manager Donald Willman, Valero of Bloomingburg, Ritten Industries manager Andy Latchat, and State Rep. Bob Peterson.

Nash said that she is still awaiting a few more RSVPs in order to plan the dinner. If your business or entity did not receive an invitation, please contact Nash at 740-620-4133 to let her know if you can attend this important event. Space is limited, and Nash said to please RSVP as soon as possible to assist her in the dinner planning.

Since Second Chance’s loss of court funding this year, operating expenses are being met with single event fundraisers. Second Chance helps the homeless, indigent, and needy with services such as food, clothing, toiletries, household items, personal care items, free laundry services, free tax preparation and much more. Nash said these much needed services need to continue to help foster community relations in Fayette County.

Second Chance offers hope, encouragement and empathy for what the low or no-income people of Fayette County need. They also help with drug or alcohol addiction services referrals. They guide their clients through resources so they can see the light at the end of the tunnel for some who are severely struggling.

Nash said she is very grateful to Nick Epifano for the McDonald’s donation of $5,000 recently, as a lead to garner more business support.

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