City prepares for Market Street renovation


WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE — The Washington City Council met in regular session on June 26. The minutes of the last meeting were approved as well as the Service & Safety Committee report.

City Manager Joe Denen reported that they have been working on the inspection of the sewer line on Market Street in preparation for the Market Street renovation project. They will also be working on the sewer lines by State Route 38 by the ballfield soon.

Denen reported that they have hired a few people to monitor the splash pad activities and keep it safe for all who visit during the summer.

The residents of the Storybrook area that back up to the creek were sent letters to allow the city to access the creek from their property, if necessary, in order to clean the brush and debris out of the creek for sanitary purposes, according to Denen.

Denen said that they have been drilling a new well near the YMCA and so far they are 300 feet in depth and still drilling. The demand for water from the city water system has been higher, almost two million gallons per day, due to the extreme heat.

In public comment, Jerry Kesterke spoke to council to state that the technology regarding council’s YouTube video of meetings “had serious problems with heavy static so that voices could not be heard well.” They usually attend the council meetings, but missed a meeting and he tried to view it online with difficulties. He also mentioned that he could not find the dates of zoning meetings on their calendar.

The director of finance, Ron Sockman, said that the finances of the city are in good shape right now and the audit has been turned in on time.

The city attorney, Mark Pitstick, said that no citations have been issued yet for grass clippings on city streets. But, he said that there is an issue with mowing regarding homes for sale, under contract, and the owners move out early, prior to closing, and the new owner waits for the real estate closing and no one mows the yards. The city has been mowing the yards and charging the new owners, prior to closing. The cost then must possibly be recouped from the sellers at closing.

Ordinance 28-2024 was passed: An ordinance enacting and adopting a supplement to the Code of Ordinances of the City of Washington Court House, Fayette County, Ohio.

When Resolution R22-2024 was brought up for discussion, councilman Jim Blair had an issue with Mandy Miller being appointed to the Historic District Review Board. Blair said that the Vitality Task Force works in conjunction with this board and she has been asked to attend the Vitality meetings, but has not been to one meeting. He felt her schedule might be too heavy to take on this project.

Denen said that the resolution could be passed and then he will talk to her about her acceptance of the appointment, which was originally discussed with her quite some time ago to see if her status had changed.

A vote was taken and the vote was 5-1 in favor of going ahead with the resolution for now.

The resolution authorizing the city manager to apply for funding through a Nature Works Funding application was put on first reading.

During closing remarks, council members said that they appreciated the notification of the technical problems with the council videos and they will try to correct these issues, and also with the online council calendars.