Fayette Co. Retired Teachers hold June meeting


In June, the Fayette County Retired Teachers met for fellowship and a great lunch at Grace Methodist Church hall. At the meeting after lunch, Matt Barga introduced this year’s scholarship winner, Blake Steele, who spoke to the group and wowed them with the numerous and various groups he was a part of in high school. Class Vice President, Honor Society, band, choir, musicals, student government, Spanish Club are among his high school activities. Congratulations, Blake, and wishes for a great college future in the education field. His parents, Ed and Kelly Steele were also guests at the lunch.

At the meeting, Anna Shuler and Cameron Quigley spoke about the Scioto Paint Valley Mental Health Center, and told of the many ways they help students and their families cope with issues. They serve six counties and assist children with behavior problems, drug abuse, depression, anxiety and much more.

The business meeting was opened by president Susan Shuler and committee reports were given. Dick Glass gave the legislation update, and Karen Bernard spoke about contributing to the ORTA pension defense fund. Linda Hiser gave information on the membership and the picnic pals for new retirees to encourage joining the group on August 1. That meeting will be catered and Erin Bales will be the speaker. Three lovely floral door prizes were given. The group looks forward to a relaxing and fun summer, and to the August annual picnic at Grace Methodist beginning at 4 p.m.with all encouraged to bring a donation to the United Way’s Stuff the Bus.

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