Modern Woodmen drive helps McNair Men’s Mission


Washington C.H. & Sabina Modern Woodmen members are grateful to the community and the Fayette County Farmers Market for a wonderfully successful supply drive, held Saturday, June 22 to benefit the McNair Men’s Mission.

The next supply drive is Saturday, July 13, 8:30 a.m. to noon at the Fayette County Farmers Market. Modern Woodmen Washington C.H. & Sabina members, with Farmers Market volunteers and Dog Shelter volunteers, will collect items from the community, such as: blankets, bleach, collars, grain free and beef free dog good, laundry soap, leashes, Lysol spray, paper towels, Pine-Sol, and towels.

Donations will also be accepted to defray the costs of spaying and neutering the dogs at the shelter before adoption.

Modern Woodmen of America, founded in 1883 as a fraternal benefit society, offers financial services and fraternal member benefits to individuals and families throughout the United States. For more information about Modern Woodmen and its services, call district agent Dan Mayo at 937-725-0445.

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