Szczerbiak named 2024 Fayette Co. Fair Queen


WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE — The opening ceremony for the 145th Fayette County Fair took place on Sunday afternoon at the McDonald’s Grandstand. Katie Harris, Kaley Moser and Amberly Szczerbiak were the three finalists vying for 2024 Fayette County Fair Queen, with Szczerbiak being named Queen during the final moments of the event. Harris was named First Attendant and Moser was named Attendant.

The festivities began with each Commodity Queen arriving to the stage in a vehicle and being escorted to their seat by a Jr. Fair Board member.

Jr. Fair Board President Jake Manbevers welcomed those in attendance and thanked several people and businesses for their support of the fair.

Boy Scout Troop 112 presented a flag and led the congregation in the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by the singing of the National Anthem.

Fayette County Agricultural Society President Bob Schwartz addressed the attendees next. Schwartz announced the winner of the annual Eddie and Jim Kirk Fair Supporter Award, Chad Mitchell. Mitchell passed away in September of 2023.

2022 Fayette County Fair Queen Libby Aleshire was on hand to give some remarks, as 2023 Fayette County Fair Queen Emma See is currently serving in the military and was unable to attend the event. Aleshire then revealed the Fair Queen results, and after declaring the 2024 Fayette County Fair open, Szczerbiak expressed her gratitude.

“Wow, if you would have told little me walking into the fair for the first time that I would be standing up here today representing the county, I truly don’t think she would have believed you. This is such an incredible honor, and I’m so thankful for everyone that has helped get me here. I’m so grateful, especially, for my family. I’m so blessed to have four amazing siblings and a wonderful mom and dad.”

She finished, “I could not be more excited to be your 2024 Fayette County Fair Queen. Thank you all so much for this opportunity, and I hope 2024 is the best year.”

The 2024 Fayette County Fair kicked off on Monday and will run through Saturday.

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