Holstein sweeps at Monday’s dog shows


These five were the finalists for Overall Showman during the Dog Showmanship event on Monday, July 15, 2024 at the Fayette County Fair. (Standing, l-r); Felicity Pettit, Junior A Class Champion and 4th place Overall Showman; Veronica Dowdell, Intermediate A Class Champion and 5th place Overall Showmen; Laine Holstein, Senior B Class Champion and Overall Dog Showman; Matticks Hernandez, Intermediate B Class Champion and 3rd place Overall Showman; and Violet Hall, Junior B Class Champion and 2nd place Overall Showman.

Laine Holstein was the Senior B Class Champion and was Overall Dog Showman for the third year in a row during the Dog Showmanship event on Monday, July 15, 2024 at the Fayette County Fair.

These four were the finalists for the Dog Rally event on Monday, July 15, 2024 at the Fayette County Fair. (Standing, l-r); Matticks Hernandez with Sadie, Intermediate A Class Winner; Laine Holstein with Kona Bean, Novice B Class Winner; Leah Marine with Ali, Intermediate B Class Winner; and Mason Collins with Maggie, Novice A Class Winner.

Laine Holstein earned a clean sweep in the Overall Dog Rally event at the Fayette County Fair on Monday, July 15, 2024. Holstein, with Kona Bean, was the High In-Trial On Lead Rally Winner. She was also the High In-Trial Off Lead Rally Winner, with Frito Bandito.

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