Cattle showmanship winners named


On Monday, July 15 at the Fayette County Junior Fair cattle showmanship contest, Allie Stoughton won overall dairy beef showmanship. She is pictured with show judge Zach Bartenslager, of Paris, Kentucky, Dairy Princess Hannah Houck and Meat Goat Ambassador Katy Bock.

On Monday, July 15 at the Fayette County Junior Fair cattle showmanship contest, Michael Schappacher won overall dairy market beef showmanship. He is pictured with show judge Zach Bartenslager, Fayette County Fair Queen Amberly Szczerbiak, Meat Goat Ambassador Katy Bock, and Fayette County Queen’s Attendant Katie Harris.

On Monday, July 15 at the Fayette County Junior Fair cattle showmanship contest, Garrett Bihl won overall beef breeding showmanship. He is pictured with judge Zach Bartenslager, Dairy Princess Hannah Houck, Fayette County Fair Queen Amberly Szczerbiak, and Meat Goat Ambassador Katy Bock.

On Monday, July 15 at the Fayette County Junior Fair cattle showmanship contest, Gus Wilt won reserve overall market beef feeder showmanship. He is pictured with Josie Wilt, judge Zach Bartenslager, Dairy Princess Hannah Houck, Fayette County Fair Queen Amberly Szczerbiak, and Meat Goat Ambassador Katy Bock.

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