Winners named at swine breeding show


Alli Knecht, pictured with show judge Lindsey Pullen, won the grand champion overall breeding gilt prize at the Tuesday, July 16 Fayette County Junior Fair swine breeding show.

Photos by Elizabeth Clark

Alli Knecht, pictured with show judge Lindsey Pullen, won the grand champion overall breeding gilt prize at the Tuesday, July 16 Fayette County Junior Fair swine breeding show.

Dane Wilt, pictured with show judge Lindsey Pullen, won the reserve grand champion overall breeding gilt prize at the Tuesday, July 16 Fayette County Junior Fair swine breeding show.

The third overall breeding gilt went to Allison Reeves, pictured with show judge Lindsey Pullen and her sister Emily Reeves, at the Tuesday, July 16 Fayette County Junior Fair swine breeding show.

The fourth overall breeding gilt went to Elizabeth Bonecutter, pictured with show judge Lindsey Pullen, at the Tuesday, July 16 Fayette County Junior Fair swine breeding show.

The fifth overall breeding gilt went to Emily Reeves, pictured with show judge Lindsey Pullen, her sister Allison Reeves and 2024 Fayette County Fair Queen Amberly Szczerbiak, at the Tuesday, July 16 Fayette County Junior Fair swine breeding show.