Several issues discussed at Park District meeting


WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE — The Fayette County Park District held its regular monthly meeting on Thursday, July 18, at 133 S. Main St.

The minutes of the last meeting and the financial report were approved.

The county is currently working on its road paving schedule, so paving will continue where needed when the crews are available.

An update was given on the tennis courts at the golf course. City Economic Development Director Chelsie Baker met with Jason Mongold regarding removing the fence around the old tennis court and, according to the Fayette County Engineer’s Office, that will be done as soon as personnel are available to do the work. Then, a strip of asphalt will be put down for vehicle access to the tennis court area for future parking spaces for the golf course and events.

In new business, it was announced that Vince Chrisman was selected to fill the board vacancy left by the resignation of Daniel Stahl. Chrisman was formerly sworn in and was in attendance.

A motion was made and seconded to create two positions to be called “volunteer civil engagement,” to be held by Fayette County Commissioner Jim Garland, who attends, and a new attendee, Brad Hughes.

It was again mentioned that vehicles, such as motorcycles and cars, are not allowed to be driven on the walking trail. An encounter with pedestrians was reported because a Jeep was driving on the trail in the Octa area. The walking trail is not to be used for a roadway access to the ballpark area. The Octa mayor is working on a barricade to prevent this type of access in the future, according to Jim Kiger. Signs are being made to mark the trails in several areas as well.

The committee expressed their thanks and appreciation to Bruce Willis for fixing or repairing portions of the trail in the Robinson Road area to the city line near Fairview Road where patches in the asphalt were necessary. They will look into grants to help the Tri-County Triangle Trail, Inc. regarding their assistance in maintenance of the trails connecting the Chillicothe, Frankfort, Greenfield and Washington Court House corridors.

Baker noted that trees are being trimmed along the trails.

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