Fair wraps up with exciting demo derby


The 145th Fayette County Fair closed out Saturday night with the always popular Smash It Demolition Derby, held at the McDonald’s Grandstand. After each car was inspected by the officials of Smash It, it was time for the lineup to get ready for the races.

Prior to the races starting, in the pit area while preparations were underway, a car caught fire in the interior. The fire departments quickly put the fire out in the 383-Burlile car.

Before the derby started, they had a power wheels event where little kids could ride the horse track area and bump each other. Each child got a trophy for just participating. Brooks Williams (left) and his brother Silas Williams from Sabina drove their Chevy Silverado among approximately 20 other power wheel cars. They are allowed to drive, with parents looking on, for five minutes to just have fun.

Kam Penwell won the Youth Full Size car derby race Saturday night. Being only 13 years old, his dad, Tony Penwell, rode with him in the race.

Chase Rafferty won second prize the the Youth Full Size car derby race Saturday night.

There was a hard hit during the Youth Full Size Class at the derby Saturday night. The rear end of a car was lifted off the ground.

The winner of the Street Stock Van-Truck-SUV class at the derby Saturday night was Britney Campbell from Manassas, Va. She said this was her 12th derby run this year and her second trip to Ohio. She won a couple of derbies this year before this one.

The second place winner in the Street Stock Van-Truck-SUV class Saturday night was Jarred Faust from Eaton, Ohio.

The winner of the Street Stock Mini class derby race Saturday was Jason Taylor from New Vienna. Brandon Pinkerton from New Vienna won second place, but had to dash off to work after his run, and was not available for his photo.

Bryce Clifton, of Wilmington, won the first prize in the Street Stock Full Size class at the derby Saturday night. He is pictured with his wife Rebecca Clifton and daughter Shirley Clifton, 4 years old.

Second place in the Street Stock Full Size class was Shawn Glover from Austin, Pa.

In the feature event of the evening, in the Prostock Full Size class, Zach Pryor of Greenfield won first prize.

Terry Doyle of Sabina won second prize in the feature event, Prostock Full Size class at the derby.

After a hard hit, there was a slight engine fire, and fire department personnel brought the water-gator for on-track firemen to put out the flames.

When a bottleneck occurs, they all fight to get out of the congestion so they can run and hit again. This happens often when so many cars are on the track at once.

Local residents make history at the derby Saturday night at the Fayette County Fair. Billy Penwell (right) started building cars and racing in derbies 49 years ago. His son Tony Penwell (left) started at age 14 in the youth groups and has now been building and racing for 28 years. Tony Penwell’s son, Kam Penwell (center), is now 13 and is starting to help in the building of derby cars and racing his first youth race Saturday night. Due to age, Tony ran with Kam in the car and won his youth class and a large trophy. Carrying on the tradition, there are three generations of derby racers and champions in Fayette County.

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