SugarCreek Packing treats YMCA campers to lunch & lesson on food science


Fayette County Family YMCA campers recently enjoyed a special treat when SugarCreek Packing Company rolled up with its food truck to serve a delicious lunch and provide an educational experience about food science and food origins.

“This is such a fantastic opportunity for our campers,” said Tosha Niciu, director of childcare at the Fayette County Family YMCA. “Not only do they get to enjoy a great meal, but they also learn valuable information about food processing and nutrition.”

After enjoying a hearty lunch, which included a grilled cheese sandwich, fruit and tater tots prepared by Greg Jodrey, culinary innovation chef from SugarCreek, the campers gathered in the YMCA’s multi-purpose room for an engaging lesson on food science. Bonnie West, Heavyn Snyder and Ali Powers from SugarCreek Packing Company explained the journey of food from farm to table, emphasizing the importance of food safety, processing, and the science behind their delicious products.

The hands-on demonstration included interactive activities where they put on personal protective equipment, they used a product called Glow Germ to show how easily germs are spread, and the importance of food safety. Also, each child received a name tag and badge as if they were an employee of SugarCreek with fun names like “Kevin Baconator” and “Oinkie Nelson.”

The YMCA staff praised SugarCreek Packing Company for their generosity and commitment to community engagement. “We are so grateful to SugarCreek for providing this unique and enriching experience for our campers,” said Amanda List, director of business of the YMCA. “This is a perfect example of how local businesses can make a positive impact on our community.”

The event was a resounding success, leaving campers with full stomachs and a wealth of new knowledge about the food they eat.

For more information about upcoming events and programs at the Fayette County Family YMCA, visit

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