Former Four Seasons nursing home is now Copper Knoll


WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE — The Four Seasons Nursing Home in Washington Court House and Autumn Years Nursing Home in Sabina, both privately-operated facilities, were owned by Tim and Tracy Ross. The Ross’ recently sold Four Seasons to TLC Management of Indiana. The Ross’ closed Autumn Years completely. Some of the Autumn Years residents moved to the new facility in Washington Court House — now called Copper Knoll Health & Rehabilitation, according to office manager Kimberly Vergamini.

Vergamini said that TLC stands for Tender Loving Care in their management and care for their patients.

TLC Management, incorporated in 1987, has been known for nursing homes in Florida and Indiana, and Copper Knoll will be their first in Ohio.

The new administrator is Kaleena Patton. Amy Jordan joined the facility as the new director of community relations.

Four Seasons was a 75-bed facility, but gave up 15 beds back to the state, according to Vergamini, regarding their state licensing and registration. Copper Knoll intends to apply to get the 15-bed addition status back from the state as soon as possible.

The majority of the staff will remain, including the dietary department, but Vergamini said they want to bring in more fresh fruits and vegetables for the residents.

Copper Knoll intends to hold an open house in the near future to reach out to the community.

Vergamini said they have improved their relationship with hospitals through health care, and have established a 30-minute turnaround time for paperwork and acceptance for referrals from hospital case workers who need to place a resident. The new patient can then be moved to their facility at the convenience of the patient or referring doctor.

Dennis Ott, vice president of community relations and design said, “As a family-owned company with traditional values, we know we’re well-suited for the Washington Court House community as well as the current and future residents of Copper Knoll. We are grateful for the warm welcome extended by the staff, residents, and the community, and look forward to serving you well.”

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