Miami Trace Back-To-School Bash set for Aug. 13


As the summer days wind down, excitement is building for Miami Trace Local School District’s much-anticipated Back-To-School Celebration. In just two weeks, the MT campus will be abuzz with families and staff members enjoying an evening filled with fun and community spirit, according to district officials.

On Tuesday, Aug. 13, Miami Trace will host its second-annual Back-To-School Bash from 4 to 5:30 p.m. where families of all ages can play games, enjoy local food truck fare, meet the fall sports teams, rally with the Marching Panther Pride and the Miami Trace cheerleaders, and dunk their favorite coach or school resource officer.

Entertainment kicks off at 4:30 p.m. with a “Meet the Teams” session, followed by a preview of the Marching Panther Pride at 5 p.m. and spirited cheer performances at 5:15 p.m. Throughout the evening, families can enjoy a variety of activities, ranging from competitive games such as Gaga Ball and Four-Square Volleyball to more casual activities such as face painting and a water relay course. There’s something for everyone, ensuring no one leaves without a smile.

Local first responders will be in attendance to interact with families and students while offering valuable learning opportunities. Also, lining the boulevard will be local food truck vendors offering a variety of dining options like pizza, hot dogs, snow cones, burgers, ice cream, and floats.

Along with fun activities, the district is committed to providing essential information and resources to families as they prepare for the new school year. School officials are thrilled to once again distribute school supplies to students at the Bash, generously provided by United Way through its “Stuff the Bus” program.

An information tent will be available, offering families the opportunity to speak with administrators and staff about topics such as transportation, registration, technology, and health and wellness. As the festivities wind down, families can stroll over to the school buildings for open houses starting at 6 p.m. It’s the perfect time to meet teachers, visit classrooms, and prepare for the year ahead. The only exceptions are for students entering kindergarten and sixth grade. Kindergarten open house will take place on Aug. 19 and sixth grade open house is scheduled for Aug. 12.

This event would not be possible without the careful planning of the Back-to-School Bash Committee; the numerous staff, student, coach, and PTO volunteers; generous donations from local organizations such as United Way, Merchants National Bank, and Parrish Trucking; and participation from local first responders and food vendors. Most importantly, this event would not be possible without the engagement and support of Miami Trace families.

“It’s time to celebrate our return for another school year. We can’t wait to see our Panther families. Mark your calendars and join the MT community for an evening of fun, food, and Panther Pride,” said MT Superintendent Kim Pittser.

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