Washington places 2nd at Jr. High golf match


Forty-four junior high golfers gathered at The Greens Golf Course on Monday, Aug. 19, 2024, in Washington Court House with a chance to compete in the first league match of the year.

With the start of a new season, it offered the players a chance to compete, develop camaraderie with competitors, and accomplish personal goals within the game. With many players, each striving to do his or her best, the level of competition increased, giving each player something to work towards, whether that be medaling the next match, or placing in the top ten.

Because of the hard work, time, and dedication the Washington players have invested in the game of golf, they accomplished what five teams attempted: placing second out of seven teams, with Washington 12 strokes out of first place.

Westfall won the match with a score of 177.

Following Westfall was Washington with 189; Unioto, 205; Zane Trace, 208; Circleville, 239; Piketon, 246; and Adena, 257. Chillicothe, Huntington, Southeastern, South Webster, and Waverly brought competitors as well, who competed individually, due to not having enough players to qualify as a team.

Following the match, Coach Jason Wynne expressed how proud he is of the team, and of the goals he hopes to achieve concerning the junior high golf team.

“Our goal is to prepare our junior high golfers for the Washington High School golf program. It takes years to develop into a skilled and competitive golfer. The sooner our students are introduced to competitive golf, the better chance they have at success. Our goal is to hand off talented and experienced golfers to Coach Shannon Bartruff, who runs the Washington High School golf program.”

The co-medalists, both from Westfall, Brody Biegler and Colton Kraft, led the league with a 38.

Scores for Washington were: Malachi Wynne, 43; Josiah Wynne, 44; Elijah Southworth, 50; Gunner Robertson, 52; Jack Hadden, 56.

The next home match will be held on Tuesday, Aug. 27, at The Greens Golf Course starting at 4:30pm.

The team wants to give a special thanks to The Greens Golf Course for supporting the local junior golf program. They are grateful to be able to call one of the most well-cared-for courses in the district their home course.

If any junior high students (boys or girls) are interested in playing high school golf and would like to participate in next year’s junior high golf program, contact Jason Wynne at 440-731-6607, or [email protected].

They are highly encouraged to attend the upcoming home match to observe the structure of the match, observe their competition, and ultimately inspire them to strive to be the best they can be at a game called golf.

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