County airport renovation plans discussed


WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE, OHIO — The Fayette County Commissioners met on Monday in regular session and heard about potential plans for renovations to the Fayette County Airport.

Airport manager Jerry Van Dyke told the commissioners that the Honda corporation — which is building a new electric vehicle battery production facility near Jeffersonville in conjunction with LG Energy Solution — donated $10,000 to the airport. The Fayette County Pilots Association has donated $10,000 to the renovation effort also. Van Dyke asked the commissioners for an additional $10,000 from their budget for the total of $30,000 planned updates to the airport office and lounge areas.

The new corporate hangar already under construction at the airport has produced a need to upgrade the building for more executives and corporate visitors to the area.

The plans propose a new counter area upon entering from the hangar and runway side of the building, along with upgrades to the conference room, pilots’ lounge, and passenger seating/waiting area. A coffee and cold drink area will be available and new furniture will be ordered to provide more comfortable seating. The seating areas will have USB plugs for visitors who need to utilize telephones, tablets or computers. New carpet will also be installed in these areas.

Van Dyke said, “We have a very nice airport, but we want to bring it up to the next level with an executive look.”

In other business, there is a Jeffersonville Community Reinvestment Area project ongoing to make improvements to the village. For example, Joel Oney, of Blacklick, owner of J Money RE LLC, owns four properties in downtown Jeffersonville and wants to remodel some property on South Main Street near the corner of West High Street. The proposed plan would create two livable spaces.

Tony Sanor, of the Ohio State University CFAES Extension in Fayette County, presented the plan to the commissioners Monday. They are working with The Montrose Group LLC to present legislation to the Jeffersonville Village Council. The next Jeffersonville Strategic Planning meeting is scheduled for Sept. 12. No specifics are available as yet for time and place.

The CFAES is creating healthy opportunities for Fayette County by partnering with 4-H planning, field day, and participating in Safety Town, which is being brought back in 2025, according to Jennifer Eggleton. They are also partnering with the Food Pantry at the First Presbyterian Church for increased produce incentives, cooking classes, and starting a Kid’s Farmers Market Club. They are also starting a “water first” effort with Fayette County youth and Miami Trace boosters. Water coolers have been ordered for their concessions to offer free water for events.

For more information on any of their outreach programs, call 740-335-1150 between 8 a.m and 4:30 p.m.

The commissioners also approved the replacement of a sheriff’s vehicle that was totaled in an accident. Also, Gene Baumgardner and Marcie Bailey were reappointed to the West Central Ohio Port Authority.

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