FCPH releases food inspection reports


The following are food inspection reports recently released by Fayette County Public Health:

Flagway, Inc #1, 1537 N. North St. — July 19, 2024

Test strips for chemical sanitizer found expired.

Soil accumulation found in these areas:

Coffee station – cabinets, cabinet doors.

Walk-in cooler – fan guards, shelves, ceiling walls.

All food temperatures were good.

Main sales floor has missing floor tiles and cracked floor tiles which are no longer easily cleanable and need repaired.

Pettit’s Drive Thru, 1101 Clinton Ave. — July 19, 2024

Food container found cracked and heavily stained. Food contact surfaces must be free of cracks, smooth and easily cleanable to prevent contamination. The person in charge voluntarily discarded the container during the inspection.

Test strips for sanitizer found expired.

Soil accumulation found on fan guards in walk-in cooler and floor under shelves. Cooler in driveway area found soiled on outside (doors, handles, inner frame). Mop sinks and trash containers also found soiled.

Dumpster lid found open.

Front door found propped open without a screen or curtain.

Flies found in kitchen area. Pests must be controlled to minimize their presence on the premises. An air curtain is available for drive through however they are propped to the sides defeating purpose.

Sunny Maple, 5675 US Rt. 62 NE — July 19, 2024

Deli meal found without date markings: cooked ham, smoked ham and pastrami. found past the discard date. These were discarded during the inspection. The chopped ham and Lebanon bologna were dated during the inspection. Once food is held more than 24 hours, it must be date marked and discarded within seven days for food safety.

Kitchen towels found heavily stained and with holes.

Employee observed preparing food took off gloves to check out customer then came back to kitchen and donned gloves prior to continuing with prepping food. Employee must was their hands once contaminated and prior to donning gloves. Management notified.

All of the food temperatures were good.

Platform Coffee House, 138 S. Fayette St. — July 22, 2024

Current license not displayed.

Sanitizer too high, water was added to sink. Sanitizer solution must be at proper concentration to prevent contamination.

Little to no lighting found in all storage closets.

Raw eggs stored over ready to eat foods. Food must be separated to prevent contamination. The eggs were moved to bottom shelf during the inspection.

Several large bowls found stored on clean shelf with food residue. Food contact surfaces must be cleaned to sight and touch to prevent contamination.

Customer observed approaching service counter with her dog in her hand. Her dog was trying to sniff food items stored on counter. Animals are not to be permitted inside the facility unless they are service dogs/animals, which should be trained. The staff member did not ask the customer any questions pertaining to the animal in the facility.

Soil accumulation found on floor under and behind equipment.

Chemical bottle not labeled. All chemicals must be clearly labeled to prevent contamination and be easily identifiable. The bottles was labeled during the inspection.

Dairy Queen, 205 W. Court St. — July 22, 2024

Soil accumulation found in these areas:

Walk-in cooler floor (very sticky).

Kitchen – floor, inside coolers (reach-in), inside cabinets (dish area).

All of the food temperatures were good.

The person in charge is knowledgeable of critical control points and has manager food safety certification.

Capuana’s Courtview Delicatessen, 149 N. Main St. — July 22, 2024

Improper hot holding of food. Perishable food must be held at 135 degrees F or above for food safety in hot holding state.

Bacon is being held without temperature control for about six hours. No written plan or acceptance from Fayette County Public Health. A plan must be submitted for approval and proof that their bacon cooking procedures are safe and allows bacon to be held without temperature control. The bacon may not be held without temperature control until processes have been approved. The bacon was discarded during inspection.

At Super Sport:

According to staff, spaghetti is cooled down and reheated when they have leftovers. This is a level four activity.

Dishes found stacked while wet. Allow dishes to air dry.

A few plastic food containers found cracked. Food contact surfaces must be free of cracks, smooth and easily cleanable to prevent contamination.

Sanitizer test strips unavailable.

Hole in floor board needs repaired.

Soil accumulation found on baseboards, floor (under and behind equipment), air vents, walls near baseboards.

At Capuana’s:

Ice accumulation found in small box freezer.

Debris found on inner bottom shelf of reach-in freezer (storage room).

Food containers found cracked and must be smooth and easily cleanable to prevent contamination.

Coked peppers found at 83 degrees F inside steam table. Perishables held in a hot holding state must be 135 degrees F or above for food safety. Discarded during inspection.

Cracks found in kitchen floor tiles.

Soil accumulation found in the kitchen on the floor, under and behind equipment, walls and cabinets.

Stained ceiling tiles found in storage room and mop/restroom area.

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