Panthers win golf match with Washington, Grandview Heights


For the second time this week, the Blue Lion and Panther boys golf teams hosted a tri-match at The Greens Golf Course of Fayette County. This time it was Grandview Heights coming to town, on Thursday.

Miami Trace would win the match with a 172, followed by Washington with a 177 and Heights with a 179.

Individually for the Panthers, Carter Davidson led with a 40, followed by Gage Bowers with a 41, Cole Whiteside with a 43, Cade Whitaker and Gavin Cottrill with a 48 and Gabe Carson with a 49.

Individually for the Blue Lions, Logan Clevenger led with a 40, followed by Nathan Snyder with a 44, Mason Conger with a 46, Bryson Heath with a 47, Logan Krape with a 50 and Cooper Robertson with a 51.

Both Fayette County teams will travel to Chillicothe on Monday, Sept. 9 for FAC number five, and Buckeye Hills Country Club on Tuesday, Sept. 10 at 4 p.m. to compete in the sixth and final FAC match before the FAC Championship.

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