Abatement of Public Nuisance Committee holds meeting


WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE, OHIO — The Abatement of Public Nuisance Committee meeting was held on Wednesday at 5:30 p.m in the City of Washington council chambers.

The minutes of the prior meeting were approved and a list of properties in the abatement process was reviewed.

It was noted that regarding a property on Clemson Plaza, owned by Dale Ford of Mt. Sterling, an addition to the structure was built without a zoning permit and a notice of violation letter was sent to the owner. City building official Rod Bryant said the city might need to pursue court action to resolve this situation.

Regarding 418 W. Elm St., the city filed court action against the owners, Barbara Coleman and James Dempsey Jr., for constructing a room addition without a permit. Bryant met with the owner, and plans have now been submitted and an inspection of the addition would be done prior to issuing any permit.

Two complaints were received regarding business or work vehicles being parked at a private residence in the city. The two residences that will be investigated are a home on Seth Way and 370 Carolyn Road.

ASD (Advanced State of Disrepair) notices were sent to the following property owners: 810 John St., 1005 Lakeview Ave., 105 E. Court St., 123 E. Court St., and 134 E. Court St., for the current undesirable condition of the structures.

Herbert Graham, the owner of 147 E. Court St., 111 and 113 S. Fayette St., has met with the city and has plans for renovations, which are currently underway.

A title search has been ordered for 415 E. Court St., formerly the Morrow Funeral Home, as two potential buyers have expressed interest in the property.

The property at 726 Rawling St. was discussed. The Land Bank has applied for a zoning change from CF (Community Facility) to R2 (residential housing), and the City Planning Commission has made a favorable recommendation for this change. An ordinance will be prepared for the Oct. 9 meeting of City Council. After a zoning change, the one-lot property is eligible to be split into 6-8 individual lots for housing construction. It was noted that the Lank Bank grant request result has not yet been received, but the grant funds would pay for the demolition of the old Carlton Manor building at that address, hopefully by the end of 2024.

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