Staff changes coming to OSU Extension Office of Fayette Co.


WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE, OHIO — The Ohio State University Extension Office of Fayette County offers a variety of programs for local residents, including 4-H Youth Development, Agriculture and Natural Resources, to enhance the environment, Family and Consumer Sciences, Master Gardner Volunteer Program, SNAP Education Program, and Community Development.

The OSU Extension enables individuals to make a meaningful difference by leveraging research to tackle real-world challenges. It presents a unique opportunity to directly address important issues and positively influence communities.

The Extension office will be searching for another community & economic development educator in October, according to Dr. Chris Bruynis, supervisor, area leader and educator.

The current educator, Dr. Tony Sanor, who is originally from Canton, is leaving Ohio Oct. 8, to move to Texas to be near his extended family. Prior to being with OSU, Sanor worked at Toyota Motors North American, and previously was at Raytheon Technologies, Jet Engine, Space and International Product Center. Sanor received his bachelor’s in business administration from Kent State University, a masters of business administration from Florida Institute of Technology, and a doctorate of business administration from the University of Florida. Sanor enjoys reading and spending time with his family.

His duties included tasks like working with small businesses for job development programs, and community resources to improve and educate owners and employees.

Dr. Sanor said, “I am grateful to the community for the opportunity I was given to serve Fayette County and for the great partnerships within the county. This has been a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me to bring positive changes to this community.”

Dr. Sanor “brought many opportunities to Fayette County,” according to Dr. Bruynis, his supervisor. Bruynis said “he brought a high degree of professionalism to the job and he will be greatly missed. He was a great asset.”

Bruynis said that the nationwide job posting for Sanor’s position will go out to the public around Oct. 1, and interviews will follow to find a highly qualified replacement by Dec. 1.

Sanor also said that Laurel Oaks Career Campus is now offering a new program, in partnership with the new Honda/LG plant locating in Jeffersonville, to teach advanced manufacturing through a work/education opportunity.

OSU Extension is a leader in community development education and an unbiased partner as strategies are implemented to achieve community and organizational goals. Their community professionals enhance the well-being of communities and neighborhoods by collaborative partnerships with local businesses and organizations, community leaders, and local officials. They strive to improve local businesses and the communities they serve.

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