First Presbyterian holds successful BBQ fundraiser


October has been designated “Breast Cancer Awareness Month,” and a breast cancer awareness barbecue took place Oct. 19 at Washington C.H.’s First Presbyterian Church.

Delicious smoked ribs, seasoned with Nick Preston’s secret spice rub and BBQ sauce donated by Yummer’s, were the main feature. Sara and Don Creamer came up with a family recipe to make pounds and pounds of tasty coleslaw. Rounding out the menu were pulled pork, baked beans, and cornbread, with many flavors of homemade iced sheet cakes topping off the meal.

Dine-in guests were greeted at the church’s Persinger Hall by Maggie Glass, who had coordinated the ticket sales and on this evening had a welcome table with awareness materials and assorted breast cancer swag free for the taking.

First Presbyterian had decided to hold a breast cancer awareness event highlighting some of the myths surrounding breast cancer as well as the new FDA rule regarding mammogram reports. These reports will now be giving greater detail on dense breast tissue which can obscure breast cancers in regular mammograms.

“In October we wear pink” has become a familiar meme and FPC embraced it. As diners entered, they saw over 30 pumpkins dressed in pink, made by local artisans, groups, and individuals who donated them to the silent auction. Jill Roberts staged the art works and managed the bidding, sometimes fierce, throughout the evening. The silent auction alone brought in nearly one thousand dollars.

First Presbyterian’s minister, Steve Brand, and his wife, Diana Brand, plus youth from the church ran up and down the back stairs for more than two hours to provide a popular drive-through carry-out service for the meal. All monies from the dinner and auction (around $5,000) were donated to the church’s friends/partners in the Fayette County Pelotonia group, whose corporate sponsors will then be matching that sum for a total donation of $10,000 to OSU’s James Hospital cancer research center.

First Presbyterian thanks the many people from both this community and even farther afield—church members, relatives, friends of friends—who supported and volunteered for this new event to make it a successful endeavor. “Soli Deo Gloria” (to God alone be the glory).

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