Washington Fire Dept. reports


The following fire reports were released by the Washington Fire Department (WFD):

May 7 – 325 E. Temple St.

Received call from occupant on the business line reporting smoke and sparks coming from under the deck. FD did not find any smoke or fire at the time of arrival and was met at the front door by the occupant who stated smoke and sparks were observed coming from under the deck attached to the rear of the house and the main breaker had been shut off prior to FD arrival. FD did not find any sign(s) of fire on the surface of the deck. FD investigation removed planking and found the electrical wiring supplying power to a light next to the deck burnt / melted. FD did not find any tripped breakers) and confirmed the power was off. FD was able to cap / secure the affected wiring, isolate the circuit supplying power and restored power to the rest of the house. FD advised the occupants) to leave the breaker off until an electrician could make repairs.

May 6 – 250 Glenn Ave.

FD responded to a fire alarm activation. While responding, dispatch advised to cancel, the alarm was caused by an employee using a fire exit. Firefighters downgraded to a non-emergency response. On arrival, the fire alarm was still sounding. Firefighters checked the annunciator panel, and the alarm was D wing sun room pull station. While checking the building the alarm was silenced by an employee. Firefighters checked the sun room and found no smoke or fire. Maintenance arrived on scene and reset the pull station. Firefighters recommended that employees should not reset or silence alarms until given the all clear by fire department personnel. Firefighters remained on scene until the alarm was reset.

May 4 – 1809 Columbus Ave. 220

Received station tone from the Fayette County Sheriff’s Office reporting a commercial fire alarm, building two, zone two. FD did not find any smoke or fire at the time of arrival and noted occupants outside of multiple rooms. FD found staff located at room 220, where occupants stated the alarm activated soon after they started vaping. FD advised both occupants the facility is non-smoking and would have to step outside to smoke and / or vape.

May 4 – 410 E. Temple St.

FD responded to a fire alarm sounding. On arrival, Firefighters made contact with the homeowner who advised the alarm was sounding after dinner yesterday. He was unsure of the cause of the alarm but was concerned when the alarm started sounding again. Firefighters were led to the rear of the house where the homeowner found a discarded smoke detector that was sounding behind patio furniture. Firefighters cleared the scene after the homeowner silenced the detector.

May 3 – 410 E. Temple St.

FD responded to the report of an activated smoke detector. On arrival, firefighters made contact with a neighbor who reported the alarm. He advised the homeowners returned home prior to FD arrival. Firefighters met with the homeowner who advised the alarm was caused by contractors doing a remodel. Firefighters were denied entry into the house by the homeowner. Firefighters cleared the scene.

May 3 – 708 Briar Ave.

FD responded to a report of a structure fire. Upon arrival, FD found a single-story residential structure with fire showing through several opens on the “C” and “D” side. FD pulled a line to the “D” side of the structure to protect an exposure and began extinguishing the fire through a window and door. A second hand line was deployed to the front door. A water supply was established, and a crew entered the structure through the front door. The front door was closed but unlocked. FD made its way to the kitchen area and completed extinguishing the fire. A search of the structure revealed that the house was empty of occupants and contents. Utilities were shut off by the respective service providers. FD performed overhaul to expose any hidden fire. Heavy fire damage was found in the kitchen area, as well as smoke damage throughout the structure. The cause of the fire remains under investigation.

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