City announces paving projects


WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE — The Washington Court House Service Department has released its list of paving projects that have recently begun in the city.

Fillmore Construction was awarded the contract for $515,000, according to Gary Dean, service department supervisor. Dean said that the department usually likes to focus on streets in one area before moving to another area of the city. Therefore, no specific dates were included in the paving list.

The following streets are included in this contract:

Gregg Street (Delaware to Lewis)

Rawling Street (North to Delaware)

Rawling Street (Delaware to Lewis)

Reservoir Court (entire area)

Old Chillicothe (Robinson Road to dead end)

Seth Way (entire area)

Warren Avenue (Armbrust to High)

Warren Avenue (High to Comfort, and to the dead end)

Albin Avenue (Armbrust to High)

Albin Avenue (High to the dead end)

Comfort Lane (W. Elm to High)

Comfort Lane (High to Nelson Pl and to the dead end)

Delaware Street (the railroad tracks area)

Lakeview Avenue (the railroad tracks area)

W. Market Street (Oakland to Draper)

Armbrust Avenue (W. Elm to dead end)

Weather permitting, these paving projects will be completed as soon as possible.

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