Celebrate National Farmers Market Week


By Jennifer Eggleton

OSU Extension Educator

What comes to mind when you think of “farmers markets?” Ripe seasonal produce, colorful flowers, freshly baked bread, and music?

While local farmers markets can have a direct positive impact on your weekend morning, they also make a significant impact on our broader community and local food system. In fact, farmers markets’ role in building healthy communities and prosperity for farmers and small businesses has made the USDA proclaim the first week of August, National Farmers Market Week.

For the last 24 years, we have celebrated Farmers Markets at the peak of summer. This year on Aug. 4-10, join Fayette County Farmers Market and markets across the country in celebration, coordinated by the Farmers Market Coalition.

Why do we need a week to celebrate farmers markets? Farmers markets support Ohio’s small and diversified farms and circulate money back into our local economy. Each year tens of thousands of farmers sell directly to consumers at farmers markets nationwide, generating $2.4 billion in revenue according to a recent estimate by local food researchers based on 2017 USDA Ag Census Data.

The 2015 Local Food Marketing Practices Survey also noted that more than 80% of all direct market food sales occurred within 100 miles of the farm. Farmers markets work in partnership with the people they serve, creating a space where market operators, farmers, shoppers, and neighbors can collaborate to meet the evolving needs of our communities.

This National Farmers Market Week be sure to come out and visit the market on Saturday, Aug. 10 to support local producers in creating a healthy community and providing fresh local food for all.

To learn more visit: fayettecountyfarmersmarket.wordpress.com or Fayette County Farmers’ Market on Facebook.