City Abatement Committee discusses local properties


WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE — The City of Washington Abatement Committee met on Wednesday, Aug. 14 in city council chambers.

A list of properties under the control of the Fayette County Land Bank was reviewed with no changes. The next Land Bank meeting will be held Monday, Aug. 19 at 10:30 a.m for updates to these properties.

The list of vacant lots in foreclosure with title searches being conducted was unchanged from the prior meeting.

It was noted that garages located at 1241 Washington Ave. and 1107 E. Paint St. that are in total disrepair will be demolished by the city.

The Vitality Task Force meeting was discussed regarding vacant downtown properties and the broken or boarded up windows that can be seen from Court Street. This issue will be addressed with possible council legislation with an upgrade to the current vacant building ordinance.

It was reported that complaints had been received about 418 W. Elm St., and it was suggested that the owners be taken to court over the condition of the property.

In new business, it was reported that the properties located at 147 E. Court, 111 S. Fayette, and 113 S. Fayette have a new owner, Herbert Graham, and the cleanup and renovations to these properties have begun. City Manager Joe Denen will be meeting with Graham next week to discuss plans for these properties.

The property at 105 E. Court St., owned by Mysa Real Estate, is now going into foreclosure and a possible future sale status.

The committee stated they would like to see specific plans from the owner of 123 E. Court St. and the vacant building in disrepair needs to have renovation activity started. They said the building has been vacant with no activity for quite some time and the frontage is boarded up.