Lady Lion volleyball tops McClain on Senior Night


Students mingle with team members and coaches on the court after Washington won an exciting four-set match against McClain Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024.

Chris Hoppes | Record-Herald

It was an exciting night in volleyball action at Washington High School Thursday night, Sept. 19 when the McClain Lady Tigers took on the Lady Lions.

It was senior night for Washington and they honored their four seniors: Maggi Wall, Jarika Mick, Scotti Quigley and Aysha Haney.

In the varsity match, Washington won, three sets to one.

Scores of the varsity sets were: 23-25, 25-16, 25-23 and 25-22.

Stats for Washington: Maggi Wall led with five ace serves; Ava Hines had three and Chinatsu Obayashi had two.

Scotti Quigley led with 14 kills; Hines had five and Maggie Pfeifer had five.

Aysha Haney had 29 set assists.

Wall had 15 digs and Jarika Mick had nine.

Peyton Hughes had three solo blocks while Iyanna Brown, Quigley and Pfeifer each had one solo block.

McClain won the freshman match, 25-19 and 25-17.

Washington won the j-v match, 25-12 and 25-23.

“It was a hard-fought match and sometimes the game just doesn’t go your way,” McClain head coach Taylor Alsop said. “I think that was what happened with us tonight. We couldn’t find a rhythm even when we would get on a run. We went back and forth with the score and I think Court House took advantage of that.”

“Aysha Haney — she’s our setter — she played phenomenally well tonight,” Washington head coach Ashley DeAtley said. “All of them did, really.

“We have Jarika Mick on the outside and this was her first game being able to play against McClain because she was hurt (when the teams played in Greenfield),” DeAtley said. “You could just tell she was pouring her heart into it.

“Maggi Wall always does a nice job,” DeAtley said. “She was served tough and she was just digging balls they were hitting to her.

“Scotti Quigley, she was on fire tonight,” DeAtley said. “She owned the net. Between blocking and hitting she was unstoppable. That’s the confidence that we needed from our girls tonight. That’s the difference in whether we were winning or losing.

“It was a matter of who was going to stay in control,” DeAtley said. “I kept telling them, ‘you row the boat, you be in control.’ And that was the difference tonight. We let up a little bit in moments, but we made some switches and the girls were all able to work things out. When you work together, you can achieve a lot of things and that’s what I felt like we did tonight.”