Friday fun at the Scarecrow Festival


Eddie Fisher (L) and Scott Flowers (R) were manning the Veterans Administration booth at the Scarecrow Festival in downtown Washington Court House on Friday, Sept. 20, 2024, to explain to veterans who stopped by what the administration can do for them and resources available to them.

Gail Allen | R-H photos

Eddie Fisher (L) and Scott Flowers (R) were manning the Veterans Administration booth at the Scarecrow Festival in downtown Washington Court House on Friday, Sept. 20, 2024, to explain to veterans who stopped by what the administration can do for them and resources available to them.

This was the first place winning scarecrow in the contest to make and dress up a scarecrow for display on the courthouse lawn. The winner was Ruth Lovett.

Branson Moody (guitar) and Bill Chatfield (drummer) opened for the main act, David Morris, on stage at the Scarecrow Festival Friday night, Sept. 20, 2024. Moody sang, played guitar, and the harmonica, while Chatfield played drums for his 45 minute set of songs to display their musical talents.

The main entertainment Friday night, Sept. 20, 2024, at the Scarecrow Festival was David Morris (L) and he is pictured with his band drummer while making their way to the stage. Morris, originally from Charleston, W.Va, is a country artist, singer-songwriter and rapper who combines traditional country music with modern pop and hip-hop to form his own sound. Morris said he writes songs that he can be proud of and that touch people positively.