Rotary to hold county commissioner candidate forum Tuesday


WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE, Ohio — The Rotary Club of Washington Court House will hold a candidate forum Tuesday to get to know the three candidates running for county commissioner. Amy Wright, Shawn Remington and Donald Fleak have been invited.

Prepared questions will be asked to each candidate who will be given two minutes to answer before moving to the next candidate or question. The moderator of the forum will be Bambi Baughn, of Fayette County Community Action.

It will be held at the Crown Room at the Rusty Keg on Columbus Avenue on Tuesday, Oct. 8 starting at 11:45 a.m. for Rotary members, guests, and candidates. The public is invited to attend starting at noon.

The public will be allowed to ask questions, only if time permits, and question time will be limited.

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