Flor & Co flower shop is moving to new location


This holiday weekend, Flor & Co flower shop is moving from 109 S. Main St. to 101 S. Main St.

Gail Allen | R-H photos

WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE — Flor & Co flower shop is moving this Memorial Day weekend. It will be conveniently located directly across from the City Administration Building, where the Elevate party room used to be.

Catherine Yeoman, owner, said they are moving from 109 S. Main to 101 S. Main St. The last event was being held Saturday at Elevate and the move started at 4 p.m.

It will take the weekend to get the business moved, but Yeoman said they will be open Tuesday for business in the bigger space.

Yeoman said she will be attending the Historic District Review Board on June 4 to apply to paint a flower mural on the side of the building, “to beautify the downtown area.” Yeoman is working with Chelsie Baker, director of economic development, in this endeavor.

On Saturday, Yeoman held a “flower education” event at Carnegie Public Library to explain plants, plant food, kinds of potting soil, and watering practices.

She believes in having or drilling drainage holes in the bottom of house plant pots to prevent root rot. She uses Happy Happy House Plant Food, and one box would feed 20 plants for about 18 months.

Yeoman said that using a plant water gauge is helpful to prevent over-watering causing the plant to die. She likes to mist plants, but says be careful of city water if it contains fluoride, which harms plants. Distilled water can be used.

If you purchase a new plant in a temporary pot, don’t separate the dirt around the plant during the transplanting process since that damages the roots. Leave the dirt and roots intact and it will grow into the new, larger pot you choose.

Houseplants act different for different people, because of the specific environment in which it lives. Humidity, air conditioning, heat, air temperature, lighting, and morning vs afternoon sunlight are all factors in whether a plant has growing success in a home.