City Council approves several ordinances at special meeting


WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE — The Washington C.H. City Council held a special meeting at 8 a.m on Thursday morning due to the regular meeting of May 22 being cancelled due to lack of a quorum.

All were in attendance, except city attorney Mark Pitstick and city finance director Ron Sockman. The minutes of the last meeting were approved and there were no communications.

The minutes of the last Service, Safety and Recreation Committee were approved.

In the city manager’s report, Joe Denen said he wanted to thank everyone for the wonderful Memorial Day services, and he appreciated all the work that went into the preparations by the service department, Master Gardeners, the Washington High School Band, the planners of all the events, and all others who participated.

The legislations on third reading from the last council meeting were all approved and passed. The following are now new ordinances:

1. An ordinance prohibiting the disposal of grass and weed clippings in the street, roadway and alleys of the City of Washington Court House.

2. An ordinance prohibiting the storage, collection, parking, leaving, depositing, maintaining, reserving, putting aside for further use, permitting, or allowing to remain on any porch, balcony, roof, patio or yard, other than in a completely enclosed building or structure, certain materials including but not limited to junk, rubbish, clutter, litter, debris, lumber and building materials, and upholstered furniture, mattresses, material and other similar products not normally intended, designed, built or manufactured for outside use or upon any property situation within the City of Washington Court House, Ohio.

3. An ordinance authorizing Joseph J. Denen City Manager of the City of Washington Court House or his designee to abate public nuisance at 1126 E. Temple Street; authorizing a private contract for payment of the abatement of nuisance; and directing the collecting of the cost of the abatement of nuisance from the owner of the property.

4. An ordinance authorizing Joseph J. Denen City Manager of the City of Washington Court House or his designee to abate public nuisance at 1226 E. Paint Street; authorizing a private contract for payment of the abatement of nuisance; and directing the collecting of the cost of the abatement of nuisance from the owner of the property.

5. An ordinance authorizing Joseph J. Denen City Manager of the City of Washington Court House or his designee to abate public nuisance at 708 Campbell Street; authorizing a private contract for payment of the abatement of nuisance; and directing the collecting of the cost of the abatement of nuisance from the owner of the property.

6. An ordinance in the matter of the approval of the solid waste management plan for the Ross-Pickaway-Highland-Fayette Joint Solid Waste Management District.

7. An ordinance adopting by reference a municipal separate stormwater sewer system illicit discharge detection and elimination plan.

In new legislation on first reading:

1. An ordinance enacting and adopting a supplement to the Code of Ordinances of the City of Washington Court House, Fayette County, Ohio.

One new resolution was passed:

1. A resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a partnership agreement with the Fayette County Commissioners for the administration of the PY2024 Community Housing Impact and Preservation (CHIP) Grant Program (if funded).

In the council comment portion at the end of the meeting, it was mentioned that there have been many complaints within the city regarding fireworks being set off and disturbing neighbors and animals. It was stated that there is an ORC state law regarding fireworks, but the city has its own ordinance. The city ordinance states that no fireworks can be set off within 150 feet of a structure (such as a house or shed). They noted that the police and fire department are kept busy with complaints on holiday weekends and this matter needed clarification.

Denen said he would meet with the city attorney and investigate the ORC and city ordinance for proper language and, if necessary or legal, draft a new city ordinance if appropriate.

Council member Steve Shiltz said that he was very happy to see that the walking trails are being completed and that it would be a good tourist draw to come to visit Fayette County.